How to design a trampoline park website?

Do you know how important a trampoline park website is?

First of all, it is the best form of advertising. Unlike traditional forms of promotion like flyers or posters, the possibilities of a website are incomparably greater. Also, don't forget that your company can be found faster thanks to proper SEO optimization. A properly executed website will provide a lot of traffic to interested customers. In addition, the reach of the site has no geographical limitations. Thanks to it you can reach beyond the borders of the country with your offer and have a chance to appear on the global market.

However, it should be borne in mind that the behavior of consumers and buyers has changed significantly over the years. Users are looking not only for information, but also for business ideas. Interesting design and smart menus will attract visitors to your trampoline park.

If you are embarking on an adventure as a trampoline park owner you probably have a lot of questions about business, as well as probably how to design a website. Here are some tips prepared by trampoline park manufacturer Global Fun Sports that you should use when designing your own website.

Aneta Lewandowska

Sales Director - Europe

Trampoline park manufacturer

  • Website = trampoline park business card

Before you start working on your website, you need to reckon with the fact that from now on it will become a digital business card for your trampoline park. The information you decide to include on it will greatly influence the perception of your trampoline park.

The business card should contain data that will tell potential customers who you are, where the park is located, and what attractions it offers.

  • Remember good design

Investing in a trampoline park will only prove to be a successful business if you carefully plan ahead. A visually appealing website with simple navigation will play a key role on the company's bottom line.

It is worthwhile for the park's website to make a significant reference to its design. Consistent colors and video presentations will catch the eye, keeping the user for longer.

  • Bet on natural park photos

What's the easiest way to prove to people that they should visit just your park? Show them the real deal! Choosing stock photos will never look professional. We advise all of our clients to post only their own branded photos on the website and social media, taken while playing on trampolines or other equipment.

  • Online ticket sales

Don't let customers wait in line. The ability to buy tickets online will make the purchase easier for both you and your guests. A simple and secure payment system will make people more likely to reach out for your services.

  • Smart calendar

Do you know how to easily increase your trampoline park attendance? Create an interactive calendar on your website and show people when they need to show up at your park. Sounds interesting right? The most besieged trampoline parks have such a solution. It allows visitors to find the event that suits them, their family and friends best with a single click.

  • Optimize your site for SEO

If you want users to be able to find your trampoline park online, you must first optimize its website for SEO. By trusting the right SEO agency, you will carefully select keywords, increasing the chance that your site will appear high in search results.

By no means ignore SEO efforts! According to the latest data, more than 50% of searches related to the entertainment industry include the phrase "near me." Positioning is the best solution for local business.

  • Mobile-friendly website

Today, most people in the world search for information from their mobile phones. Imagine how disappointed a customer would be if they visit your website on a smartphone and don't see all the information they need.

A responsive website is crucial to business success.

  • Fast website

You yourself probably know how annoying it is to have a website that takes a long time to load. That's why you shouldn't forget to test its speed even on speed checking tools available online.

It's worth bearing in mind that the slower a website loads, the more likely a user will give up and visit a competitor.

An attractive website is the first step in attracting customers

Remember that the website should reflect the image of the trampoline park. It must also be effective and attract visitors to the property. In the digital and online age, it's very important to give visitors what they are looking for.  If you are thinking about opening a trampoline park, take a look at our range of trampoline park equipment.

If you don't feel up to starting the whole investment yourself - we are at your service. Check it out.


Global Fun Sports

Aneta Lewandowska

Sales Director - Europe

Joe Gram

Sales Director - North America
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